Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Border babies

Those born in the months before school year begins.
Redshirting (also a term in sports).
At undergrad college, I have seen that students from another state were smart. They started schooling at age 5 unlike others who started at 3.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Revenge poetry

Ever wondered what your baby would say from go if he/she could talk adultese? laugh now.

Some stories

Today a kid brought along Carl and The Puppies as his favourite book. I came across Babes in the Wood in Becoming Dickens.
Recently I was reminded of The Judge Monkey story that we read as kids.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Firsts and lasts

I once read somewhere about why we make a big deal about baby firsts. Here's a mother who worries about the lasts, cause they fade out of memory.
Like the memoirist Elizabeth Stone, do you too feel that 'having children is like letting your heart walk around outside your body'?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

It feels like a lucky day when baby eats without protest.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Is baby food rocket science?

or space , baby's play.
In an NPR article 20 everyday things we have because of NASA, I was surprised to find baby formula.
If you are curious, then the how of NASA spin-off technologies.
Once when Lord krishna was asked to open his mouth, his mother found the world in it.
For Krishna Janmashtami, tiny baby feet are drawn to signify the steps of the lord into the house.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

At party with baby

I can pat myself for making a baby shower party favor.
Yesterday was he first big social occasion that our family went decked in traditional dress. we wen late. It could have been avoided had I done all the wardrobe check before hand. There was a bigger thing going on in the mindscape. I should have kown that I couldnt fit into the punjabi dresses brought for marriage. What a surprise. The only thing I could fit into was a saree, which I tied in the most unseemly fashion. It being summer, I put some extra candy that we were taking to the party in the fridge. Just before leaving I put them out but after getting into the car and away from home, I realise I havent taken the bowl of extra candy with me and another big surprise, as I enter into my friends house, the gift card is on the table. I reminded myself that I have to write our names on it, but that was way down the list I guess.
In this episodeCandace talks about mommy brain . While recent studies have shown that brain wiring continues into young adulthood, new mommies have changes in parts of the brains for you know who.
Baby boosted brain. That explains it all. Just a little nudge about wanting to visit the Terracota Warriors in Beijing and a whole dream about surviving in China. We seem to be stuck in a tunnel fit for just one man. Countless number of soldiers are in the tunnel, we are about to be run over by them, just before the stampede, we find an escape but not before some pricky acupuncture to our backs. There even seemed to be a prodigious baby coping with falling into water.
Socialising as a mother brins a template with it.
'How old is he?'
-- months
She is -- months
whats his name
What does it mean? (my flourish)
Whats her name
And then about what are they upto.
About the mommy brain, I am yet to power up mine.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

One time I gave my baby a paper and the she had black specks on her lips and then it struck me that the ink bleeded onto her. In few minutes she can rip pages of Indiana Review or Costco connection. She is at loggerhead with 'Baby's ABC' unable to pick it apart.
Seems like ripping paper aids in motor development. So all papers in the house, its time for recycle and before that some scrunching.

Jet lag is like having a baby

My friend recently came from a trip with jet lag. Who would have thought that the mind numbing force has science to it both for and against it. A colleague, a regular on the east west hop, approximated the ordeal to be as long a day per hour time difference. That stumped me. More does this pseudoscience of Horary astrology.
I told the friend that there will be disruption in sleep and other activities.
'Its like having a baby' she says.