Sunday, April 29, 2012


A bed time story Goodnight Moon referred in How to cook like a man.

Today I got a chance to read  Wave Hello to Thomas, a Lift and Peek book. I tried to read the lines as a song but an 'and' would put a big stop to my musical endeavor on each page. Some time later I realised that I had to lift flaps and do what was said underneath.

Telangana Stories

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Rhyme and reason

In Once upon a time, Vol 1of Childcraft series, I am reading The wise old owl. Now why I know why it is seen as wise.
Little robin redbreast sat upon tree. It said,"Catch me if you can" to a pussycat.
Writer Julie Zickefoose in The Bluebird Effect, says that from starstuffs she learnt that vulture is her totem animal. In  Wild Cheryl strayed is told that Corvids stand for void like the black hole where everything begins.

Friday, April 27, 2012

A good gift

Fisher Price Ocean Wonders Soothe and Glow Seahorse Pink.
Very soothing sound for babies. I love the gurgling sound and the glow screams 'look at me'.

Baby books

If you can manage to read them in time, you will realise that at 3 months the baby stuffs her fingers into her mouth not as a sign of hunger but from her excitement of finding her fingers.
In parents magazine May 2012, its interesting to learn that at first in log roll, the baby turns as one body but later on the upper body follows the pelvis.
I read in The new father that at the age of 3 months infants do not understand gravity and hence cant trace falling objects. New studies have found that  infant grasp gravity law by 2 months.
The other day I was telling my husband that when the baby tries to pull her neck up, it looks like she is doing Bujangasanam. The next day I read of it referred to as 'baby cobra' yoga pose in parents ezine.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

What next vellcro socks?

Wondering if the ezsox, socks with loops interfere with childrens abilities. We want kids to learn things as they need to be done, not the easier way of doing things.