Monday, January 30, 2012

Another gift

Diaper wedding cake

My boss didnt let me take it home for a while. He must have been taken with it. I thought I could never open it as it was very pretty. One night, when I ran out of all newborn size diapers, I had to do the unthinkable. After opening it, I asked my friend to fill them in a carton. I expected them to be just hurled in a bundle, more from the thought thats the only possible way to do it. What I found was that the carton had been neatly filled with the rolled diapers standing vertical and once the carton was filled, rest were filled in  two columns placed horizontally, like ladyfingers in tiramisu.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How to brave a storm?

When talking about common fears of kids, storms came up. My colleague told me of the counting 1 1000 way his father taught him.


Mucous day. No two weeks of life have felt this long. The wait is tough. I think I'm losing it.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


After redifinition of autism, I was intrigued about a book I ignored last week for being in the lines of other books.
Author Kim Stagliano of  All I can handle  begins in a very uncoventional question answer way of how she found herself in a marriage with three autistic children. You see a sudden change in the mom, when she fiercely defends her position on vaccines and autism on her blog Age of autism.
Vaccine court. A case of only exceptions to the rule.
I didnt know about Early intervention.
I learnt of febrile seizures yesterday and that they are not uncommon until age six. The author asks a good question about how do you exclude a seizure as not being a case of autism if it happens early in a child.
There is an interesting list of the 48 vaccine shots that a child has to take before age six.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Birth - a game of Roulette.

Between expectations
Author's blog

Sleep inertia
Febrile seizure

Looking at the description of the patient she is working with, it is clear that the author is invested in the well being of the non-interactive baby in the NICU. There's a human side to her physician experiences. Her self is a go-between between the doctors and the patient and his/her family.
As a pediatrecian she is sometimes exposed to a patient pair mom-baby. She also gets to deal with teenagers, that phase rife with troubles we would want them to not get into. From these experiences she does question the sanity of guidelines of how a mom on meth can still breastfeed. She questions the effectiveness of her counseling on her teenage patients.
Recently I have become more aware of birth cases where a mom had to get a Csection soon as the baby had a case of emconium and how another mom had to be given Magnesium to reduce the contractions and keep the baby inside until the hour glass is done. So reading of those cases in the book with the reasoning around them made me appreciate the game of roulette called 'birth'.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Surprise in pregnancy

Today I heard from  a colleague that a term baby has been induced because she was too small, a case of Intrauterine Growth Restriction.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Week 38

1 cm dilation, 70% effacement.
In The odd clauses, the author Jay Wexler relates how even though US has not shifted to metric system, cervix dilation is measured in cm.

Anytime now.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Week 37

The doctor took a while in findign the baby's heart beat as she was moving right then, may be to evae the chill of the gel.
Yesterday morning stomach pain with a back pain that traveled up the ribs. Day off with lots of rest.

baby shower gifts

A cup with two handles and a bowl with the the tale of peter rabbit theme. I didnt know of the story prior to this.
pack n play with full size bassinet.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

9th month

Sleeping on the side has turned out easier than I thought. But in the 9th month, the side I sleep on hurts, so I have to change it once in the middle. Earlier I used to wake up once to use the restroom, for the past two days I wake up close to early morning for that. Everybody is surprised that I am active even in the 9th month, making sweets for my own baby shower and walking faster than my colleagues to the 'Recharge wednesday'. Bread pudding with Vanilla sauce is today's special. Mom likes it. She thinks its like payasam.
For the first baby shower your pinni played a Srimantham song on the computer.
For the second baby shower, A aunty made the decorations from fabric print scrap papers and made dresses out of it hung on a lace.